Bulk SMS
Engage your customers on the device they use most - mobile phones. Connect instantly over SMS globally. Comes with Short Code Sender IDs, send scheduling and reports.
In the digital age, SMS communication still remain as one of the most relevant channels for both marketing and transactional messages. With more than 100% mobile penetration rate (PWC) in most Southeast Asian countries, businesses must utilize SMS communication as one of the primary channels to connect to customers.
Use NagaCloud Bulk SMS to plan, schedule, send SMS and retrieve reports. Reach your audience globally, while we manage local regulation compliance needs. Start simple, scale as needed.

Comes with Short Message Sender IDs (6xxxx), and intelligently delivers with the fastest route.

You click, we blast.

Ready, Get Set, Go!
Take your first step and take advantage of the free service tiers available to you today.