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NagaCloud offers a data-driven approach to optimizing your eCommerce operations through a variety of reports and analysis dashboards. Gain access to comprehensive insights and visualizations that provide valuable information about customer behavior, sales trends, and the performance of various aspects of your online store.

Make informed and strategic decisions by leveraging data-driven insights that spans the entire customer journey and back office operations. Readily integrated with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and LinkedIn Insight.

Analytics & Reporting
Sales Performance
Enhance sales through data-driven performance insights
Gain access to detailed insights of your sales metrics, and evaluate the performance of your products, campaigns, and overall revenue generation strategies. Make data-driven decisions to optimize sales by understanding which products are driving the most revenue, identifying trends, and pinpointing potential areas of improvement.

Explore the various metrics available, including sales by product, category, brand and member groups, top performing members, regions, and period comparisons, and many more.
Analytics & Reporting
Customer Insights
Deeply understand your customer profiles for best shopping experience
Discover valuable data that goes deep into the behaviors, preferences, and interactions of your eCommerce customers. Gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience, enabling you to make informed decisions for promotional timings, product offerings, and even simply for better customer support.

Analyze buying patterns, demographics, browsing habits, communication channels, brand affinities and so much more.
Analytics & Reporting
Conversion Optimization
Fine-tune sales conversion with reliable trend analysis
Conversion is one of the major milestones of a customer journey. Analyze your eCommerce business's ability to turn visitors into paying customers to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of existing conversion funnels, identifying areas for improvement and refining strategies to boost overall conversion rates.

Go deep into critical points in all stages of a customer journey, which consists of first visit to website, browsing of products, adding a product to wish list, adding a product to cart, placing an order, making a successful payment and more. Explore drop-off rates to determine which pages or processes work, and which ones do not, and subsequently making the proper adjustments.
Analytics & Reporting
Inventory Analysis
Have the right products, in the right place, at the right time
Be on top of your eCommerce store's inventory management and performance. Be aware of your stock levels, product demand, and inventory turnover rates, products in customer's wishlists enables informed decisions can be made to optimize the supply chain for efficient inventory management.

Make full use of the inventory analysis report to identify slow-moving items, predict restocking needs, and pinpointing top-performing products, to reduce overstock and out-of-stock situations.

Ready, Get Set, Go!

Take your first step and take advantage of the free service tiers available to you today.